Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Real Gavin Newsom

Okay, I can't stand it no more.
Lets take a look at the real Gavin Newsom. We have been having a severely short clip pushed in our faces for months by the pro Proposition 8 people. They cut it in a way to make it seem like the San Francisco Mayor is gloating over other people.

Somehow I just felt that was false, though I thought the video (in another post below) that actually dealt with some facts used it better than the pro Prop 8 people did, and I've finally found a video that captures more of the speeches that were given after the California Supreme Court announced their decision that banning same sex marriage is, in fact, a violation of the equal rights clause.

 I'll let you see for yourself what really went on that day:

Hint: They were celebrating civil rights, not gloating.

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