Wednesday, November 5, 2008

CNN: Exit Polls Say Prop 8 Should Lose WSJ Showing Big Lead for the Proposition

CNN says exit polls show that Proposition 8 should lose, but the Wall Street Journal is saying early results support the proposition,  and their supporting numbers are frighteningly high 53.1% to 46.9% according to the WSJ piece.  

I just was reading at and other places about how, besides the Mormon church and the Prince family, the proposition was driven by a Howard Ahmanson Jr. (Yes, Jr. to the Ahmanson Center dude for those who attend music events or plays in downtown LA).  Ahmanson has apparently mellowed a bit in his Christian shariah ambitions that he no longer thinks gay and lesbian oriented people should be stoned, but he's still a pretty nasty, fellow.

The Wall Street Journal gloats:
The passage of Prop 8, as it is known, would be a major victory for religious conservatives seeking to ban gay marriage in other states, and a crippling setback for the gay rights movement nationwide.
...Observers believe the losing side will suffer a serious blow in the national debate over gay-marriage rights. The winning side will have the momentum and also be able to claim a popular mandate as judges and voters across the country are poised to weigh the issue in other states.
An article at Mercury News "Prop. 8 holds early lead " says the early lead is holding and the measure was likely to pass. I won't try to link to it because you can't get license to see it without Google's help so copy the title into a Google search bar if you want to read it.

I'm glad we attend a church that was already against the proposition, or we would have to find another.  

No this is not a free speech case.   You can't say you have a God given right to enslave people.  The slavers of the 19th century thought they did, but finally after a long time they were proven wrong.

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