I've found two disturbing details in an attempt to recall another Californian judge that sheds some light on the current pro proposition 8 crowd.
In the first case, just before the election the pro 8 people swore they had nothing against same sex domestic partnerships, just marriage. M-A-R-R-I-A-G-E was the one that had to be between a man and a woman.
You know how well "separate and equal" worked in the South under Jim Crow laws. So they say they are happy to keep Californian same sex couples into those separate but equal style relationships.
But 4 years ago they attempted to recall Judge Loren McMaster for upholding Domestic Partnerships for same sex couples. Check out an old Copley News report in the San Diego Herald Tribune December 2004 "Gay marriage opponents aim to recall judge.
And yes the same people were and are involved with both cases.
Tony Andrade mentioned first of the pro recall group in the article linked above is shown in a November 2007 article calling gays "loony" as referenced at San Francisco Bay Guardian "GOP initiative backer says gays are "loony"" (they have a link to the actual interview if you want to search through that). I can't find his exact connection to proposition 8 but since he was involved in the recall attempt (which failed) of McMaster, I feel that he must have had a role.
And even more disturbingly, opponents of same sex marriage admitted at that time that they were trying to influence judicial reviews with their attempt to recall the judge.
Excerpt above linked report:
Acknowledging that they hope to pressure the judiciary statewide, opponents of same-sex marriage are trying to recall a Sacramento Superior Court judge who upheld domestic partner laws this fall.The recall petition drive failed to gain the signatures needed as activists interested in an independent judiciary rushed to defend the institution.
Another person mentioned in the article Randy Thomasson is identified as the head of Campaign for California Families which was active in getting proposition 8 passed and has striven to work against an overturn of the amendment by the CA Supreme Court. An earlier news release noted that Thomasson was working to be part of the team working on trying to get the California Supreme Court to allow proposition 8 to continue to deny rights to same sex couples.
They haven't been entirely successful in that endeavor. The San Francisco Chronicle report in "Prop. 8 backers splinter as court fight resumes" that the "Yes on 8" core group was able to block them fromtheir efforts to get the high court to keep the measure saying Thomasson's group and others were too extreme, even though "Yes on 8" saw their amendment pass on the back of the lies by the extremists. Their own advertisements actually repeated the worst of the lies, but now they wan to be seen as people who are okay with second class 'marriages' for gay so that they can slip their case past the CA high court.
The "Yes on 8" group also are likely welcome the strident threats for recall of the Justices who might vote to overturn Proposition 8, but they want to be seen as wise and kindly people who just hate the thought of allowing gays to get married. Go figure.
They are all working on the back of churches and the faithful to gain political power and very worldly money. I think the Biblical passage that deals with that behavior is where Jesus overturned the tables of the money changers in the temple.
Too bad the American church is embracing these new 'thieves' who are changing the concern, and donations of the faithful into secular wealth and power through politics. Too bad the Lord isn't here to set things right again.
It's nice, though, to be able to show up the lies of such bigots.